
Though AngelDown Answers is primarily a speaking ministry, below you will find some of Ben’s original articles and speaking outlines covering a variety of topics, with material and information integrated from a variety of sources. We hope the answers found within will be helpful in your faith journey. Check back often as this section of the site will continue to be revised and updated with new content. Click “List View” to see the posts in proper order (for mobile devices, scroll to the bottom for this option).

The Case for Life: Understanding and Explaining the Pro-Life View

Speaking Notes (Updated March 2023) What is the most dangerous place on earth for humans? This is not just a play on words; the most dangerous place on earth is…

When Witnesses Come Knocking

A Crash Course in Talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses This guide has been created based on numerous hours spent personally talking to sets of Jehovah’s Witnesses over the course of several…

Part 7: Substitutionary Atonement

A Series of Responses to Jon Steingard’s Declaration of Disbelief in God Substitutionary Atonement may seem like a big, fancy theological term, but it is at the very heart of…

Part 6: Understanding God’s Commands in the Old Testament

A Series of Responses to Jon Steingard’s Declaration of Disbelief in God Old Testament ethical challenges have long been used as ammo against the character of the Christian God. Making…

Part 5: Women and the Bible

A Series of Responses to Jon Steingard’s Declaration of Disbelief in God Our next Steingard issue to tackle is the assertion that the Bible seems oppressive of women. He indicates…

Part 4: Why Would a Loving God Send People to Hell?

A Series of Responses to Jon Steingard’s Declaration of Disbelief in God How could a God of love possibly consign any person to eternal damnation in hell? Certainly Jon’s issue…

Part 3: The Problem of Evil and Suffering

A Series of Responses to Jon Steingard’s Declaration of Disbelief in God How could a loving God allow so much evil and suffering in the world? This is not just…

Part 2: Selected Arguments for the Existence of God

A Series of Responses to Jon Steingard’s Declaration of Disbelief in God Every belief system must start somewhere, and there is no more foundational an aspect than whether or not…

Part 1: Intro and Initial Thoughts on Famed Christian Artist’s Declaration of Disbelief

A top news story in recent days has been that Jon Steingard, the band leader of popular Christian music group, Hawk Nelson, has made public his disbelief in God, and…

Creationism- Part 4: Versus Evolution

Additional Selected Arguments Against Old-Age Theories Transitional Fossils If all organisms have arisen by slow, small modifications, we should find some of these transitional fossils! We should find fossils that…

Creationism- Part 3: The Flood

Genesis 6- See Ben’s full presentation dedicated to the identity of the Nephilim. Gen. 8:22- This is reassurance of the way the world will not end (global warming, etc). Gen….

Creationism- Part 2: Curses, Human Age, Dinosaurs, and Cain’s Wife

Part 1 focused on the literary and theological reasons that young-earth creationists put forth as evidence for their position. Here, we will give other insights into the first few chapters…

Creationism- Part 1: Intro and the Six Days

Why is it so important to study Creation? The study of creation gives us an explanation for where we came from, how we came into being, and why we believe…

Jesus Christ, Part 1: His Historicity and Claim to Deity

True Christianity, the Christianity of the New Testament documents, is absolutely dependent on history […] The incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as a real event in time and…

Jesus Christ, Part 2: Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

(continued from Jesus Christ, Part 1) Jesus’ Credentials that He was and is the Messiah, the Son of God: Impact of life, through miracles & teaching Fulfilled prophecy in life…

What About Those Who Never Hear Of Christ?

This is one of the most hotly-debated topics in all of Christian theology; however, it is only an issue if Jesus Christ really is the only way to restore our…

Alcohol: Why I Personally Do Not Drink

Let me begin by saying that I am not sure that I consider the act of drinking in moderation (otherwise known as social drinking) to be a sin in and…

The Bible and Homosexuality

The Question: Is the Bible silent, condemning, or supportive of engaging in homosexual activity? Clarification: This is not an argument concerned with having homosexual tendencies, feelings, or desires towards a…

Absolute Truth and Christian Exclusivism

The chanting outside grew steadily louder as the Roman governor stared at the condemned man before him. Little did he know that this interrogation would be the most important in…